reading time: 3 min.

Tatar: The United Nations Must Reassess Its Structure

Tatar: The United Nations Must Reassess Its Structure

President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Ersin Tatar, emphasized the need for the United Nations (UN) to reassess its structure, noting that the organization consists of two main bodies: the Security Council and the Secretariat.

Publish Date: 24/10/24 16:34
reading time: 3 min.
Tatar: The United Nations Must Reassess Its Structure
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Speaking to Kıbrıs Postası on the occasion of UN Day, Tatar highlighted the strategic importance of Cyprus in the Eastern Mediterranean and expressed respect for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

Tatar pointed out the global conflicts of interest converging in the region, underscoring Cyprus as one of the world’s most strategic locations. He praised Guterres' efforts in the Cyprus issue, particularly his approach during informal meetings in New York, which increased Tatar’s confidence in the Secretary-General's good faith.

"The UN Must Reevaluate Its Structure"

President Tatar echoed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's call for reform within the UN, stressing that the dominance of five countries in the Security Council is insufficient. He emphasized that the UN must review its structure, especially given the organization's inability to act decisively in situations like the Israeli attacks in Gaza, which has fueled global skepticism.

"Guterres' Stance Sometimes Contradicts the Security Council"

Tatar highlighted the two distinct bodies within the UN, noting that while the Security Council holds significant power, the Secretariat serves as the executive arm. He expressed respect for Guterres’ stance, observing that his statements occasionally diverge from the positions of the Security Council.

Reflecting on Israel’s Actions and Past Experiences

When asked about Guterres being declared "unwelcome" in Israel, Tatar praised his courage and underscored that Israel's actions in the region were unacceptable. Drawing a parallel with the plight of Turkish Cypriots in the 1960s, Tatar recalled how the UN similarly remained a passive observer while villages were destroyed and people displaced.

Cyprus: One of the World's Most Strategic Locations

Commenting on recent statements regarding Cyprus's strategic importance, Tatar affirmed that the island is now one of the most crucial spots globally, with 70% of the world’s trade passing through the Eastern Mediterranean. He also referred to the “Blue Homeland” concept, which underscores the region’s critical importance in energy and security.

Tatar emphasized Turkey's proximity to Cyprus, only 60 kilometers away, and highlighted the importance of Turkey’s presence on the island. He rejected any attempts by external parties to marginalize Turkish Cypriots, stressing that both Turkey and the TRNC have legitimate rights in the region.

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