reading time: 2 min.

Harmancı: "We Need to Unite Around a Realistic, Sustainable, and Just Solution Vision"

Harmancı: "We Need to Unite Around a Realistic, Sustainable, and Just Solution Vision"

Former British High Commissioner Irfan Siddiq paid a farewell visit to Mehmet Harmancı, the President of the Lefkoşa Turkish Municipality (LTB). During their meeting at LTB, Harmancı emphasized the importance of uniting around a "realistic, sustainable, and just solution vision" for a roadmap forward.

Publish Date: 25/10/24 15:22
reading time: 2 min.
Harmancı: "We Need to Unite Around a Realistic, Sustainable, and Just Solution Vision"
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Siddiq, who will soon be leaving the island due to a change in his posting, expressed regret at departing during a time when there seems to be a renewed momentum regarding the Cyprus issue. They discussed recent developments in the region, the tripartite meeting held in New York, and the ongoing rapprochement between Turkey and Greece.

Siddiq noted that many steps could be taken toward resolving the Cyprus problem and praised the dialogue and collaborative environment established by Harmancı with the newly elected Mayor of South Nicosia. He highlighted the significance of continuing the Kanlıdere/Pedieos Linear Park Project in North Nicosia as a promising development.

President Harmancı remarked that power dynamics are reshaping both regionally and globally, presenting both threats and opportunities for Cyprus. He stressed that those who believe in peace on both sides of the island must work together on a realistic, sustainable, and just solution vision while actively engaging in dialogue and interaction with one another.

Harmancı expressed his belief in the crucial role that local governments can play, affirming their commitment to developing new partnerships that benefit both communities and serve as a driving force in negotiation processes. He added that LTB would continue to consult with both United Nations and European Union officials to facilitate innovative steps toward a vision of a united Nicosia.

In closing, Harmancı wished Siddiq success and ease in his new role.

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