reading time: 2 min.

Erhürman: The Accountability will be Before the People, at the Ballot Box

Erhürman: The Accountability will be Before the People, at the Ballot Box

Republican Turkish Party (CTP) leader Tufan Erhürman made a statement outside Parliament today, declaring, "The accountability will be before the people, at the ballot box."

Publish Date: 28/10/24 11:43
reading time: 2 min.
Erhürman: The Accountability will be Before the People, at the Ballot Box
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Several union representatives gathered outside Parliament, where Erhürman, joined by Secretary-General Asım Akansoy, CTP deputies, and two independent MPs, addressed the crowd. Referring to the scandal at the Emergency Hospital’s Neonatal Unit, Erhürman pointed to both legal and political responsibilities, stating, "The negligence at the state hospital is evident. In civilized countries, officials resign in such cases, and the political responsibility here is clear."

"No One Believes"

Erhürman criticized the government harshly, calling recent events a "disgrace." He extended condolences to the family of the deceased infant and expressed hope for the recovery of the other six affected. He also commented on the ongoing legal review regarding the Parliamentary Speaker election, highlighting that legal opinions deem double-stamped ballots invalid and that a statement has been issued for the Assembly to convene.

"Political Accountability Demands Resignation"

Erhürman stated CTP’s firm stance: “If an unelected person is seated in the Parliamentary Speaker's chair, CTP will not attend the General Assembly." He stressed that CTP would only participate if Parliament was properly convened, declaring, "This accountability will be held at the ballot box. If the self-proclaimed government refuses to let Parliament function, it aspires to dictatorship." Erhürman warned the government to act responsibly, adding that the people would not tolerate such a situation.

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