Cafer Gürcafer: Significant Decline in the Construction Sector

The President of the Cyprus Turkish Contractors Association (KTİMB), Cafer Gürcafer, stated, "We shot ourselves in the foot," referring to the recent regulations regarding foreign property ownership, which have led to a 90% decline in the construction sector.

Speaking to Kıbrıs Postası TV, to Ulaş Barış, Gürcafer emphasized that, following discussions with the government, a more favorable investment climate is expected to be created by the summer.
Gürcafer addressed the "Property Ownership and Long-Term Leasing (Foreigners) (Amendment) Law," stating that the law was rushed through without consultation with industry representatives. "As Minister of Public Works and Transportation Erhan Arıklı said, we shot ourselves in the foot," he remarked. The new regulations have caused a significant downturn in the construction industry, and investors are losing confidence. However, Gürcafer expressed hope that the necessary amendments to the law would be made following talks with Prime Minister Ünal Üstel and Interior Minister Dursun Oğuz, and that the negative atmosphere would dissipate by the summer.
Impact of the Law on the Construction Sector
Gürcafer criticized the impact of these regulations on the construction sector, explaining that it has led to a substantial decline in activity, with foreign investors backing out. He also mentioned that the Greek Cypriot side has been taking advantage of the situation, with Greek Cypriot politicians suggesting that they do not need to do much as the new laws in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) have already halted construction.
Labor Shortage in the Construction Sector
Regarding the labor shortage in the construction industry, Gürcafer noted that workers from Turkey no longer find Northern Cyprus attractive, and the sector now relies entirely on workers from third countries. "In the past, 80% of the workforce came from Turkey, but now most of the workers are from third-world countries. Unfortunately, many of these workers are unskilled. A regulation like the 'Agency Law' is necessary for qualified labor," he said. Gürcafer called for reforms in the labor market, citing Saudi Arabia’s worker certification system as a model.
Lack of Earthquake Preparedness
Gürcafer has long warned about the threat of earthquakes, yet no significant preparations have been made in the region. "Our buildings are more solid than those in Turkey, but structures built before 1974 pose serious risks. Some of those buildings would collapse if you pushed them," he said. He stressed the need to reinforce older schools and buildings, highlighting that an earthquake disaster could strike at any time. While Turkey and Greece have taken steps towards earthquake preparedness, Gürcafer pointed out that no such measures have been implemented in Northern Cyprus.
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