CTP MP Ürün Solyalı: Witnesses Will Be Heard in Investigation of Fake Diploma Case

CTP (Republican Turkish Party) Member of Parliament, Ürün Solyalı, stated that witnesses will be heard in the committee established to request the lifting of immunity for UBP (National Unity Party) MP Emrah Yeşilırmak in the ongoing fake diploma investigation.

Solyalı appeared on a phone call on the program Sabahın Haberleri (News of the Morning), which is prepared and presented by Canan Onurer. He reminded that the committee was formed on March 24 and mentioned that a confidentiality decision was made, meaning he could only provide information about the procedures involved.
"We are not a judicial body, and we do not have the authority to take the place of an independent judiciary," Solyalı stated, adding that the committee will review the files sent by the Attorney General's office to assess whether the matter is judicial.
He clarified that the committee will not call witnesses to court but will hear testimony within the committee itself. Solyalı noted that a report will be prepared after two or three meetings, and they aim to complete the legal process in less than 45 days. The final report will be shared with the public, he concluded.
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